When you log in to the mobile app as a Learner you will see the following icons available.
This is for the "To Do" list which you enter by default.
In this view, you will see all assessments that have been released to you. You can select to view, complete and submit these to your Assessor.
To get back to the main screen just follow the "Back" arrows in the top left-hand corner
This is for the "Intake" list.
You will see all intakes that you have an "Active" enrolment within
You can:
Search for a specific intake and view an intake you have access to.
See all units you are enrolled in.
Select a unit to see the "Released" assessments in this unit and what status they currently have.
Select to view and complete and submit the assessments if required.
When viewing the list of assessments in the intake view, you can select the "3 dot stack"icon in the top right-hand corner and this allows checkboxes to appear next to all assessments.
You can select the checkboxes, up to a maximum of 5, and see that you have the option to "Check out"
If you are using the "Check out" option you will see the "Offline" icon applied to the assessment. These assessments can then be viewed and completed without an internet connection.
Please note that all/some options will not action if:
The unit has already been resulted.
The assessment is already "checked out" by another user.
The assessment is already resulted.
To get back to the main screen just follow the "Back" arrows in the top left-hand corner.
This is for the "Offline" functionality (If configured for your organisation)
Assessments that have been "Checked out" will appear here and can be accessed when there is no internet connection available.
In the Offline mode, you will notice that all other areas of the mobile app will show a message to say that you are currently in offline mode so no information/records are available to view except in the "Offline" tab.
All assessments required to be "Checked out" for offline functionality do require to be checked out with an internet connection available before going offline, you are not able to checkout assessments once offline.
In the Offline mode, you are able to complete, save and Submit the assessments and you can see the status in the details area of the assessment. Once you are back in an internet connection and you repeat the process to select and "Check-in" the assessments, these details will sync up to the live environment.
Please note that if an assessment is checked out in the mobile app and you view it in the Web App you will receive a message to tell you it is checked out and by which user. We advise that the assessment is checked back in and synced to the live environment before any changes are made to it in the web app.
Also available in the Offline area is a filter function. Select to view this and you will see the following list that applies AFTER you have taken the assessment Offline only:
All - This shows how many assessments are currently checked out
Orphaned - This shows how many assessments, after they were taken offline, have been deleted and/or deployment has been actioned to replace and give a different revision. These assessments can no longer be used.
Unauthorized -This shows how many assessments you don't currently have access to. This could be because after being checked out:
The enrolment has been made inactive
You can check the assessments in the web app and/or speak with your assessor to review and resolve.
Unknown error - This shows how many assessments have an "unknown error" occur and can no longer be used.
To get back to the main screen just follow the "Back" arrows in the top left-hand corner
This is for the "Settings" functionality
You can see the user name and organisation you are currently using/viewing as well as the following:
Go to Web App - The option to go to the web app (you will be prompted to log in again if not already logged into the web app)
Switch Organisation - If your profile is associated with multiple organisations you can use this option to switch your view between them.
Logout - we recommend you use the logout option after each session (please note that logging out does not automatically save any data, this needs to be manually saved before using this option)
Version - Shows the current version of the app you are running, check this regularly to keep it updated.
To get back to the main screen just follow the "Back" arrows in the top left-hand corner