I'm not receiving emails

If you aren't receiving any emails from the system (e.g. invitation or password reset emails), here are a few things to check

Andrew Baker avatar
Written by Andrew Baker
Updated over a week ago

It can sometimes take a few minutes for an email to arrive. If after a few minutes you still haven't received an email from the system (e.g. invitation email, password reset email, etc), below are some common issues that you may be encountering.

Who sends the emails?

Emails from Cloud Assess are sent from no-reply@assessapp.com. Try searching for this email address in your email application.

Spam or Junk

Sometimes, email applications can incorrectly think that an email is spam/junk and move it to the spam/junk folder in your email application. Check these folders to see if you can find the email you are looking for.

If you find it, your email application should allow you to flag the email as "not spam/junk" (or something equivalent) which will prevent future emails from going into the spam/junk folders.


Some organisations block emails from external parties until they have been "whitelisted" by the organisation's IT team.

If you do belong to such an organisation, please request your IT department to whitelist the email address listed above so that emails are not blocked.

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